The “Hostage Shot” with a .25 ACP!?

…is something probably most people would not consider. Let me back up. Let me back way up.
Last week I decided to clear out every gun that I have never shot. This included 2 rifles and 1 pistol. All of these guns were “impulse purchases” that I *never* shot, breaking my long term rule of “never selling a gun”. One gun I sold outright and the others I traded. In this horse trading, I ended up with a Beretta 950 also known as “Jetfire”. Here is a picture of the mini James Bond gun:
So, let’s continue this review. Happy about my latest acquisition, I ran to the local Meijer’s store only to find out that they no longer carry .25 ACP ammo. Even worse, they had a clearance sale on ammo that I had missed! Undeterred, I found a box of .25 ACP Remington’s at Gander Mountain.
The next day, I headed out to the range to give the new gun a whirl. Small barreled guns are usually considered “gut guns” and therefore I was not expecting any great accuracy from this gun. However, after the first 3 shots at 21′ I noticed that the grouping was very good. The recoil was not bad, and the trigger pull, due to the Jetfire being single action, was very nice as well. Then I decided to go for the bulls eye and I was shocked by the results:
With this grouping I would definitely attempt a “Hostage Shot” if needed, despite the size of the gun.
Do you have a “mini” gun which is more accurate than expected? Leave the make and model in the comment section below!
UPDATE: 8/23/2012
A friend of mine, Craig B., just sent me this article: